State of the Nation
First, the inevitable:
Currently actively reading:
Should really be reading:
Would like to be able to say I'm reading:
Somewhere near the top of the pile of kinda-working-on-it:
Very, very far down that same pile:
Read: 6
Acquired: 15
- The Find of a Lifetime: Sir Arthur Evans and the Discovery of Knossos, Sylvia L. Horwitz. Bought in a moment of weakness at the used bookshop on Castro in Mountain View, after a not-so-very-successful pearl-milk-tea-and-a-chat date.
- Persuasion, Jane Austen. From Amazon.
- Persuasion, Jane Austen. From Amazon.
Currently actively reading:
- How to Read Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Collier & Manley. I've browsed it before, but I never really bothered to study it carefully. Before I tackle Gardiner or Graefe, I should review all I've forgotten.
Should really be reading:
- Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation, Hopcroft, Motwani, Ullman. But I'd rather not.
Would like to be able to say I'm reading:
- Knuth volume 3.
Somewhere near the top of the pile of kinda-working-on-it:
- Power, Bertrand Russell.
- Persuasion, Austen
- Persuasion, Austen
Very, very far down that same pile:
- The Little Schemer, Friedman & Felleisen.
- The Story of Decipherment, Pope
- In Code: A Young Woman's Mathematical Journey, Flannery
- Introduction to Quantum Computers, Berman, Doolen, Mainieri, & Tsifrinovich.
- VSI: The Vikings
- VSI: The Crusades
- The Telephone Booth Indian, Liebling
- The New Well-Tempered Sentence, Gordon
- and many, many others, just as worthy.
- The Story of Decipherment, Pope
Read: 6
Acquired: 15