Sunday, October 31, 2021

2021, Book 10: K blows top, Peter Carlson

Amusing account of Khrushchev's visits to the USA. Both a scary and a comic character. Perhaps fifty years from now Donald Trump will seem comical, too; I assume that Khruschev just felt evil at the time, like the orange moron today.

2021, Book 9: In the city of bikes: the story of the Amsterdam cyclist, Pete Jordan


Unlike Coates's embarrassment this one is well-researched and written by someone who seems to actually understand the Dutch. That helps.

2021, Book 8: Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov

I think I read one or two other things before this, but I don't remember what. Several were ebooks, so do those even count?

Anyway. I finally read Lolita.