Friday, January 07, 2011

1: Animals in Translation, Temple Grandin and Catherine Johnson

Excellent; even better than Thinking in Pictures.

The book is full of interesting tidbits:

  • sexy Chinese pigs that are fatter, calmer, and more sexual than their lean American counterparts
  • kinky pigs that will only let farmers extract their semen if they stroke their penises just so, or play with their anuses
  • dogs making people better parents by raising their oxytocin levels
  • vasopressin (ADH) increasing aggression, sexual possessiveness, faithfulness, and taking-care-of-the-young instinct
  • some fears being learned from other members of the species (yet having an innate component--monkeys can learn to fear snakes, but not flowers)
  • fast and slow fear response (limbic and neocortical responses to the same stimulus)
  • smart pigs who have figured out their RFID collars trigger the trough filling with food
  • superstitious pigs who think stomping around causes the trough to fill
  • Alex the grey parrot who kept being asked to read single letters and was so annoyed he didn't receive his nut as a reward that he spelled "nut"

Must re-read.


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