Saturday, September 30, 2006

13: jPod, Douglas Coupland

Ah, c'mon, Coupland. What gives? Yes, it was entertaining and I read it in two sittings, but dammit, this is just a weaker Microserfs. The small inaccuracies bug me to no end—far more so than the stretches into un-realism: Belgian keyboards aren't that odd, the Google "I'm Feeling Lucky" button does not return a different list of results than the "Google Search" button, the Atari 2600 did not have 3D graphics, the Goldbach conjecture is not proven and thus not a fact, and you would not use 'find' but 'grep' to find a capital letter 'O' in a string of digits. Yes, I'm an anal fuck and marked all these in the margins.

Questions for DC:
Who's Ethan?
Who's K girl?
Who's in a coma?
What's with the Lego obsession?

Questions for the editor:
Why'd you capitalise "jPod" in the title? Apple does not capitalise iPod, iTunes, etc. in their title headings.

Anyway: don't bother with jPod. Just read Microserfs twice.


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