Friday, October 23, 2020

2020, book 12: The Riemann hypothesis: the greatest unsolved problem in mathematics, Karl Sabbagh

Enjoyable, but don't expect any mathematics. This is a people book. It's fine for what it is, but would have benefited from some real mathematical content. There are a few painfully basic appendices on algebra and infite series, and a hilariously over-the-top technical appendix that covers Louis de Branges' approach to a proof. There's nothing in between, unfortunately, neither in the appendices nor in the main text.

At the end of chapter 11 (p. 187) Sabbagh quotes Michael Berry on the charming idea of a quantum of understanding:

I have this question: "What is the elementary particle of sudden understanding?" It's the 'clariton.' The problem is there are also anticlaritons that come tommorow and annihilate the one you had today.

In chapter 16 (p. 252) there's this bit, originally written by Hermann Hankel in 1884, that reminds me of conversations Jean and I have had about rock climbing:

The process of mulling over a mathematical problem displays a striking similarity to that of surveying a cliff before the ascent; of visualizing and comparing alternate routes, from the big lines of ridges, ledges and chimneys, down to the details of toe and finger holds, and then weighing possibilities of what might be encountered beyond the visible [...]

The highlight of the books is the way Alain Connes tells the classic Riemann Hypothesis & the Devil joke (pp. 274-5).


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