Sunday, April 21, 2019

2019, book 8: Ready Player One, Ernest Cline

80s nostalgia and nothing more.

Is this great? No.
Is this good, at least? No.
Is it...mediocre? No, not even that.
But is this kind of fun? Yes.
Is it full of plot holes? Also yes.
But do I wish it were Dickensian in length? Absolutely.

You read this to go "oh right, I loved that game/movie/show!" every four pages, and I found myself wishing for many more sets of four pages. Preferably with some of the dialogue removed, because it's absolutely awful. Let's get snappy with those references, people! In fact, just give me a list of references, and I'll enjoy it as much as this novel.

Was the movie better or worse? Probably better, but it was still schmaltzy and mostly mediocre. It was different, at least, and that is good: it meant an additional set of nostalgic references.


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