Thursday, April 17, 2008


I've been watching a lot of House lately. Here's how that goes:

Hey, look, we are introduced to someone who feels a little queasy. Maybe...oh, nope. Their friend/uncle/neighbourhood shopkeeper just keeled over and had a seizure instead. How clever.

[title sequence]

Let's guess at the disease, shall we? Could it be...vasculitis? No, no, it doesn't present like this. Well, then she must be on drugs! (Interrupt medical proceedings for search for drugs at patient's home.) Check it out! We found some drugs! Not the kind we thought she was taking, but still, drugs. (Confront patient.) Oh, she lied! She lied! She was taking these drugs we found all along! (Treat patient.) She got bet...oops. She crashed. Now what?

Let's check our standbys. Well, we ruled out vasculitis in the beginning, so...Lupus? No? What about paraneoplastic syndrome? Yay!

That sounds pretty bad, doesn't it? It's highly addictive, though. I understand why people are so into medical shows. I certainly feel like I'm learning an awful lot! Show me a sick person, and I'll diagnose that sucker! Also, I'll intubate 'em.


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